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Notice: While all attempts have been made to maintain accuracy it is not guaranteed. Sources for match information have often been compiled from 'unofficial' sources such as the FFA, A-League or AFC match centre websites, and these may not reflect the "official" match report as compiled by the referees and confirmed by league officials at a later date. Please cross check all data in situations requiring high accuracy.

Non-competitive fixtures such as training or pre-season matches may not be listed especially when those matches were held behind closed doors, were part of pre-season training camps or played under non-standard rule sets. Non-competitive matches involving the W-League, Youth & NPL teams are generally not disclosed to the public and are rarely listed.


National Youth League

2012/13 - 2013/14 - 2014/15 - 2015/16 - 2016/17 - 2017/18 - 2018/19 - 2019/20


NSW Premier League

2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023


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