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    • Yeah, but Alonso is gone after this season, and I’m not sure if there will be players moving to higher paying teams
    • Lopar has failed in court:  
    • C'mon Marko, you think just because Frankie's Pizza is closed you won't get into anymore trouble? "I dOn'T hAvE sOcIaL mEdIa, i DoN't SeE tHat StUFf" - maybe if you spent less time making fake online accounts and hounding people for having an opinion, and actually reading the critiques you might realise that you're a one dimensional manager whose idea of changing the game plan is doing the first game plan harder but also somehow worse. If you were a good manager you wouldn't need to pull the "tHeRe'S a StiGmA" schtick and actually improve the squad you have. You're a fraud. GTFO of my club.    
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