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    Bosnia and Hercegovina, Manchester City

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  1. How can you call it Equal when the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina where majority of the Churches were destroyed were Serb or Croat strongholds? I am originally from Kljuc in Bosnian and Herzegovina and both Churches (Orthadox and Catholic) stand proud without damage whilst the biggest Mosque in Kljuc was destroyed and had to be rebuilt post war .. yes that seems equal.
  2. There is so much wrong with this "All were guilty" mentality and you know it. Quick Summary below: In 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina held a referendum to determine if it should stay or leave Yugoslavia and the result was 99.7% in favour of leaving Yugoslavia and establishing the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its people (Muslims, Catholic and some Orthadox) decided it wanted to be free of Yugoslavia and its problems. On the 3rd of March 1992, the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Alija Izetbegovic) declared the independence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was ratified. The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RBIH) was officially recognised by the United States and the European Economic Community (ECC) as an independent and sovereign state. Fast forward to the 22nd of May of the same year and RBIH was admitted into the United Nations. Bosnia and Herzegovina was a sovereign state when the Yugoslavian National Army (JNA) rolled into Bosnia and Herzegovina and started attacking the citizens. Unfortunately for Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 1991 the European Community and its member states decided to impose an arms embargo preventing BiH to purchase arms to defend itself, where were the Arms Embargos for Croatia or Jugoslavia (Serbia)? It wasn't long before Franjo Tudjman was meeting with Milosevic on the side agree on a plan to wipe out the Bosniak population in an attempt to split Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnians and Herzegovinians were mostly unarmed but decided to put-up a fight to defend their families and country. The key takeaway here is that the Bosnian Orthdox (VRS) were being funded and physically supported by Jugoslavia (Weapons, Tanks, you name it) and the Bosnian Catholics were being supported and funded by Croatia. How can all be guilty when one party is fighting for its life (Bosnia and Herzegovina) whilst the other two are fighting for a Greater Serbia/Croatia? You say that this wasn't a war based on religion however statistics prove that some 3,290 religious buildings were destroyed or damaged in Bosnia during the war, though this includes Catholic and Orthodox churches and convents as well as synagogues with a total of 1,144 mosques destroyed or damaged. I am by no means saying 0 churches were destroyed as part of the conflict but to have 34.77% of all religious buildings destroyed being Mosques, its hard to say "All were guilty" Lets not get into the topic of the Concentration camps where Jugoslavia rounded up men and children 16 years or older and which were run with the pure intent of eliminating the Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) population. My Father, his brothers and many other unarmed civilians were all rounded up like sheep and taken to the Manjaca Concentration Camp not because of nationalism but because they were Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim). My father was lucky to have survived unlike a lot of his friends where hundreds were killed, tortured or simply disappeared never to be seen again. As someone who lived through the Attacks on Bosnia by both Jugoslavia (Serbia) and newly Independent Croatia and was lucky to have been able to flee to Australia as a refugee, im telling you this was motivated by religion.
  3. I walk away for 5 minutes and we now have an Armageddon thread and people discussing drinking their own piss..... https://tenor.com/blu1l.gif
  4. Hi My name is Balkanite.
  5. Well it seems like I've missed alot.... Anyone care to catch me up?
  6. When the Wanderers actually won games ... ah that's a walk down memory lane.
  7. I dont need to imagine it .. its the best and it exists
  8. What grinds my gears is when mum makes home made bread and someone thinks butter is an appropriate spread for this delicious master piece. She wont use eurocreme / pasteta / Jam
  9. In my defence who eats this green stuff anyway .. Certainly not jess as she always seems to find a way of scraping lettuce or cabage or wtf you want to call it off her burger. https://media2.giphy.com/media/mnnJUiakh7qrS/200w.gif
  10. Yes Sophie is adorable but such a menace at times
  11. Hmm this is all sounding far to familiar. My supposed American Staffy does alot of destroying as you know ahahhaa. I tend to crack the shits and then she does something cute and it has me like.
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